
Engineered Lubricants announces expanded ISO 17025 testing scope.

Engineered Lubricants is pleased to announce a successful recertification audit for both the ISO 9001 and ISO 17025 quality management systems. The recent recertification audit included the addition of two new tests to the ISO 17025 scope, bringing the total up to 18 specialized tests for the lubricant, metalworking and grease market.

Recent additions to the ISO 17025 testing scope include:

• Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy with a Scanning Electron Microscope
• Oxidation Stability of Oils and Greases by RPVOT-ASTM D2272 & ASTM D942
• Penetration Cone (Worked/Unworked)( ½ and ¼ scale)-ASTM D217 & D1403
• The complete list of testing available can be found at

Engineered Lubricants works closely with clients to ensure they get the testing they need, from ASTM methods to modified, customized test protocols that will exceed customers’ expectations. With the expertise, equipment, and flexibility to achieve complex or unique customer requests.